= ZOO4W : Howto install ZOO Kernel on WIN32 = '''ZOO4W''' is the way to use ZOO Kernel on Windows plateforms. It is based on the use of OSGeo4W , and some third-party libs. Please follow the steps bellow to install ZOO Kernel. Note that Win32 support for ZOO Kernel is still under developments and that some bugs may still appear. == Install OSGeo4W == Download the OSGeo4W installer on http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/, and install it with all the dependencies needed by your services (GDAL/OGR for example). The following libs must be kept in the installation process: FastCGI, libxml, Python, cURL. == Install other tools and libraries == After installing OSGeo4W on your platform you'll need more GNU tools and libraries. [http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/tool-win32.zip This package] contains full dependencies required to compile on WIN32 platform and this one contains [http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/zoo-runtime.zip full runtime dependencies] to place in your {{{c:\OSGeo4W\bin}}}. == Download and Install ZOO Kernel == Download the [http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/zoo_loader.cgi binary version of the ZOO Kernel] for WIN32 then place it in hte {{{C:\OSGeo4W\bin}}} directory. Don't forget to place a {{{main.cfg}}} file in the same directory, you can use a modified copy of [browser:trunk/zoo-kernel/main.cfg this file]. == Deploy ZOO Services Providers == Your can use the binary version of the Ogr Services Providers available from [http://www.zoo-project.org/dl/zoo-services-win32.zip here]. Then place the two libraries with their respective {{{.zcfg}}} files in your local {{{C:\OSGeo4W\bin}}} directory. == Testing == Now you should be able to query your [http://www.zoo-project.org/index.php?left=ZooWebSite/ZooKernel/InstallationNew&#TestyourZOOinstallation local ZOO Kernel].