{{{ #!html

ZOO Identity

ZOO Project footprint


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ZOO logo images

The ZOO-Project original logo represents the sunny african savannah with several animals (elephants,giraf,bird) and a baobab tree. A simplified version of the logo is also available.

ZOO web badge

Feel free to use the following markup for linking to ZOO-Project from your website or blog.

ZOO-Project, the Open WPS Platform
<a href='http://zoo-project.org/' target='_blank'>
 <img src="http://zoo-project.org/img/zoo-simple.png" width="140" height="140" alt="ZOO-Project logo" />

ZOO web font

The ZOO-Project ...


ZOO QR codes

The following QR Codes all encrypt http://zoo-project.org and should open that URL when scanned with an appropriate mobil device.

Citing ZOO-Project

ZOO-Project ...

}}} @Manual{GRASS_GIS_software, title = {Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS GIS) Software}, author = {{GRASS Development Team}}, organization = {Open Source Geospatial Foundation}, year = {2012}, url = {http://grass.osgeo.org}, }