= ZOO-Project 1.3.0 release notes = * Updating ZOO.Class object with the !OpenLayers.Class Updating ZOO.Class with the (ticket #64) * Correct the content of proj4js (ticket #63) * Enhance the COOKIE gesture (ticket #68) * Support for dataInputs URLEncoded and xlink:href (ticket #62) * Use the same object structure for !JavaScript arguments than for Python * Add the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index service * Add importScripts function to !JavaScript support (ticket #66) * Add multiple inputs values for the same identifier (ticket #72) * Add Python ZOO-API to access ZOO-Kernel internel functions * Add a [headers] section in main.cfg file to add specifics to header returned * Add support for multiple outputs for both GET and POST requests * Add Content-Length to the headers if the result is sized * Add Content-Disposition to the headers if the result contains a filename * Add support for sending headers through JS ZOO-api * Add support for multi-valued inputs in JS ZOO-api * Fixing issue about invalid status document #73 * Add Python-3.3.0 support * Update documentation * Add !MapServer W*S Support documentation #34 * Fix POST Request issue (ticket #34) * Fix COOKIE gesture (ticket #79) * Remove verbose messages when using !MapServer W*S (ticket #80) * Add COMMITTERS and LICENSE files