
{% if version.endswith('a0') %}

{%trans%}This documentation is for version {{ version }}, which is not released yet.{%endtrans%}

{%trans%}You can use it from the Git repo or look for released versions in the Python Package Index.{%endtrans%}

{% else %}

{%trans%}Current version: {{ version }}{%endtrans%}

{%trans%}Get Sphinx from the Python Package Index, or install it with:{%endtrans%}

{% if version.split('b')|length > 1 %}
pip install Sphinx=={{ version }}

{%trans%}Stable version docs are also available.{%endtrans%}

{% else %}
pip install -U Sphinx

{%trans%}Latest development version docs are also available.{%endtrans%}

{% endif %} {% endif %}

{%trans%}Questions? Suggestions?{%endtrans%}

{%trans%}Join the Google group:{%endtrans%}

{%trans%}or come to the #sphinx-doc channel on FreeNode.{%endtrans%}

{%trans%}You can also open an issue at the tracker.{%endtrans%}