/* The CGI_C library, by Thomas Boutell, version 2.01. CGI_C is intended to be a high-quality API to simplify CGI programming tasks. */ /* Make sure this is only included once. */ #ifndef CGI_C #define CGI_C 1 /* Bring in standard I/O since some of the functions refer to types defined by it, such as FILE *. */ #include "fcgi_stdio.h" //#include /* The various CGI environment variables. Instead of using getenv(), the programmer should refer to these, which are always valid null-terminated strings (they may be empty, but they will never be null). If these variables are used instead of calling getenv(), then it will be possible to save and restore CGI environments, which is highly convenient for debugging. */ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiServerSoftware; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiServerName; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiGatewayInterface; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiServerProtocol; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiServerPort; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiRequestMethod; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiPathInfo; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiPathTranslated; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiScriptName; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiQueryString; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiRemoteHost; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiRemoteAddr; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiAuthType; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiRemoteUser; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiRemoteIdent; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiContentType; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiAccept; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiUserAgent; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiReferrer; /* Cookies as sent to the server. You can also get them individually, or as a string array; see the documentation. */ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif char *cgiCookie; /* A macro providing the same incorrect spelling that is found in the HTTP/CGI specifications */ #define cgiReferer cgiReferrer /* The number of bytes of data received. Note that if the submission is a form submission the library will read and parse all the information directly from cgiIn; the programmer need not do so. */ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif int cgiContentLength; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif int cgiTreatUrlEncoding; /* Pointer to CGI output. The cgiHeader functions should be used first to output the mime headers; the output HTML page, GIF image or other web document should then be written to cgiOut by the programmer. In the standard CGIC library, cgiOut is always equivalent to stdout. */ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif FILE *cgiOut; /* Pointer to CGI input. The programmer does not read from this. We have continued to export it for backwards compatibility so that cgic 1.x applications link properly. */ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif FILE *cgiIn; /* Possible return codes from the cgiForm family of functions (see below). */ typedef enum { cgiFormSuccess, cgiFormTruncated, cgiFormBadType, cgiFormEmpty, cgiFormNotFound, cgiFormConstrained, cgiFormNoSuchChoice, cgiFormMemory, cgiFormNoFileName, cgiFormNoContentType, cgiFormNotAFile, cgiFormOpenFailed, cgiFormIO, cgiFormEOF } cgiFormResultType; /* These functions are used to retrieve form data. See cgic.html for documentation. */ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormString( char *name, char *result, int max); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormStringNoNewlines( char *name, char *result, int max); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormStringSpaceNeeded( char *name, int *length); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormStringMultiple( char *name, char ***ptrToStringArray); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif void cgiStringArrayFree(char **stringArray); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormInteger( char *name, int *result, int defaultV); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormIntegerBounded( char *name, int *result, int min, int max, int defaultV); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormDouble( char *name, double *result, double defaultV); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormDoubleBounded( char *name, double *result, double min, double max, double defaultV); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormSelectSingle( char *name, char **choicesText, int choicesTotal, int *result, int defaultV); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormSelectMultiple( char *name, char **choicesText, int choicesTotal, int *result, int *invalid); /* Just an alias; users have asked for this */ #define cgiFormSubmitClicked cgiFormCheckboxSingle extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormCheckboxSingle( char *name); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormCheckboxMultiple( char *name, char **valuesText, int valuesTotal, int *result, int *invalid); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormRadio( char *name, char **valuesText, int valuesTotal, int *result, int defaultV); /* The paths returned by this function are the original names of files as reported by the uploading web browser and shoult NOT be blindly assumed to be "safe" names for server-side use! */ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileName( char *name, char *result, int max); /* The content type of the uploaded file, as reported by the browser. It should NOT be assumed that browsers will never falsify such information. */ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileContentType( char *name, char *result, int max); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileSize( char *name, int *sizeP); typedef struct cgiFileStruct *cgiFilePtr; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileOpen( char *name, cgiFilePtr *cfpp); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileRead( cgiFilePtr cfp, char *buffer, int bufferSize, int *gotP); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormFileClose( cgiFilePtr cfp); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiCookieString( char *name, char *result, int max); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiCookieInteger( char *name, int *result, int defaultV); cgiFormResultType cgiCookies( char ***ptrToStringArray); /* path can be null or empty in which case a path of / (entire site) is set. domain can be a single web site; if it is an entire domain, such as 'boutell.com', it should begin with a dot: '.boutell.com' */ extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif void cgiHeaderCookieSetString(char *name, char *value, int secondsToLive, char *path, char *domain); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif void cgiHeaderCookieSetInteger(char *name, int value, int secondsToLive, char *path, char *domain); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif void cgiHeaderLocation(char *redirectUrl); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif void cgiHeaderStatus(int status, char *statusMessage); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif void cgiHeaderContentType(char *mimeType); typedef enum { cgiEnvironmentIO, cgiEnvironmentMemory, cgiEnvironmentSuccess, cgiEnvironmentWrongVersion } cgiEnvironmentResultType; extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiEnvironmentResultType cgiWriteEnvironment(char *filename); extern cgiEnvironmentResultType cgiReadEnvironment(char *filename); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif int cgiMain(); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif int cgiMain_init(); extern #ifdef __cplusplus "C" #endif cgiFormResultType cgiFormEntries( char ***ptrToStringArray); /* Output string with the <, &, and > characters HTML-escaped. 's' is null-terminated. Returns cgiFormIO in the event of error, cgiFormSuccess otherwise. */ cgiFormResultType cgiHtmlEscape(char *s); /* Output data with the <, &, and > characters HTML-escaped. 'data' is not null-terminated; 'len' is the number of bytes in 'data'. Returns cgiFormIO in the event of error, cgiFormSuccess otherwise. */ cgiFormResultType cgiHtmlEscapeData(char *data, int len); /* Output string with the " character HTML-escaped, and no other characters escaped. This is useful when outputting the contents of a tag attribute such as 'href' or 'src'. 's' is null-terminated. Returns cgiFormIO in the event of error, cgiFormSuccess otherwise. */ cgiFormResultType cgiValueEscape(char *s); /* Output data with the " character HTML-escaped, and no other characters escaped. This is useful when outputting the contents of a tag attribute such as 'href' or 'src'. 'data' is not null-terminated; 'len' is the number of bytes in 'data'. Returns cgiFormIO in the event of error, cgiFormSuccess otherwise. */ cgiFormResultType cgiValueEscapeData(char *data, int len); #endif /* CGI_C */