/* * Author : GĂ©rald FENOY * * Copyright (c) 2015 GeoLabs SARL * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "request_parser.h" #include "service_internal.h" #include "server_internal.h" #include "response_print.h" #include "caching.h" #include "cgic.h" /** * Apply XPath Expression on XML document. * * @param doc the XML Document * @param search the XPath expression * @return xmlXPathObjectPtr containing the resulting nodes set */ xmlXPathObjectPtr extractFromDoc (xmlDocPtr doc, const char *search) { xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx; xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext (doc); xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST search, xpathCtx); xmlXPathFreeContext (xpathCtx); return xpathObj; } /** * Create (or append to) an array valued maps value = "["",""]" * * @param m the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param mo the map to update * @param mi the map to append * @param elem the elements containing default definitions * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ int appendMapsToMaps (maps * m, maps * mo, maps * mi, elements * elem){ maps *tmpMaps = getMaps (mo, mi->name); map *tmap = getMapType (tmpMaps->content); elements *el = getElements (elem, mi->name); elements *cursor = elem; while(cursor!=NULL && el==NULL){ if(cursor->child!=NULL) el = getElements (cursor->child, mi->name); cursor=cursor->next; } int hasEl = 1; if (el == NULL) hasEl = -1; if (tmap == NULL) { if (hasEl > 0) tmap = getMapType (el->defaults->content); } map *testMap = NULL; if (hasEl > 0) { testMap = getMap (el->content, "maxOccurs"); } else { testMap = createMap ("maxOccurs", "unbounded"); } if (testMap != NULL) { if (strncasecmp (testMap->value, "unbounded", 9) != 0 && atoi (testMap->value) > 1) { addMapsArrayToMaps (&mo, mi, tmap->name); map* nb=getMapFromMaps(mo,mi->name,"length"); if (nb!=NULL && atoi(nb->value)>atoi(testMap->value)) { char emsg[1024]; sprintf (emsg, _("The maximum allowed occurrences for <%s> (%i) was exceeded."), mi->name, atoi (testMap->value)); errorException (m, emsg, "InternalError", NULL); return -1; } } else { if (strncasecmp (testMap->value, "unbounded", 9) == 0) { if (hasEl < 0) { freeMap (&testMap); free (testMap); } if (addMapsArrayToMaps (&mo, mi, tmap->name) < 0) { char emsg[1024]; map *tmpMap = getMap (mi->content, "length"); sprintf (emsg, _ ("ZOO-Kernel was unable to load your data for %s position %s."), mi->name, tmpMap->value); errorException (m, emsg, "InternalError", NULL); return -1; } } else { char emsg[1024]; sprintf (emsg, _ ("The maximum allowed occurrences for <%s> is one."), mi->name); errorException (m, emsg, "InternalError", NULL); return -1; } } } return 0; } /** * Make sure that each value encoded in base64 in a maps is decoded. * * @param in the maps containing the values * @see readBase64 */ void ensureDecodedBase64(maps **in){ maps* cursor=*in; while(cursor!=NULL){ map *tmp=getMap(cursor->content,"encoding"); if(tmp!=NULL && strncasecmp(tmp->value,"base64",6)==0){ tmp=getMap(cursor->content,"value"); readBase64(&tmp); addToMap(cursor->content,"base64_value",tmp->value); int size=0; char *s=zStrdup(tmp->value); free(tmp->value); tmp->value=base64d(s,strlen(s),&size); free(s); char sizes[1024]; sprintf(sizes,"%d",size); addToMap(cursor->content,"size",sizes); } map* length=getMap(cursor->content,"length"); if(length!=NULL){ int len=atoi(length->value); for(int i=1;icontent,"encoding",i); if(tmp!=NULL && strncasecmp(tmp->value,"base64",6)==0){ char key[17]; sprintf(key,"base64_value_%d",i); tmp=getMapArray(cursor->content,"value",i); readBase64(&tmp); addToMap(cursor->content,key,tmp->value); int size=0; char *s=zStrdup(tmp->value); free(tmp->value); tmp->value=base64d(s,strlen(s),&size); free(s); char sizes[1024]; sprintf(sizes,"%d",size); sprintf(key,"size_%d",i); addToMap(cursor->content,key,sizes); } } } if(cursor->child!=NULL) ensureDecodedBase64(&cursor->child); cursor=cursor->next; } } /** * Parse inputs provided as KVP and store them in a maps. * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param s the service * @param request_inputs the map storing KVP raw value * @param request_output the maps to store the KVP pairs * @param hInternet the HINTERNET queue to add potential requests * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ int kvpParseInputs(maps** main_conf,service* s,map *request_inputs,maps** request_output,HINTERNET* hInternet){ // Parsing inputs provided as KVP maps *tmpmaps = *request_output; map* r_inputs = getMap (request_inputs, "DataInputs"); char* cursor_input; if (r_inputs != NULL){ //snprintf (cursor_input, 40960, "%s", r_inputs->value); if(strstr(r_inputs->value,"=")==NULL) cursor_input = url_decode (r_inputs->value); else cursor_input = zStrdup (r_inputs->value); int j = 0; // Put each DataInputs into the inputs_as_text array char *pToken; pToken = strtok (cursor_input, ";"); char **inputs_as_text = (char **) malloc (100 * sizeof (char *)); if (inputs_as_text == NULL) { free(cursor_input); return errorException (*main_conf, _("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } int i = 0; while (pToken != NULL) { inputs_as_text[i] = (char *) malloc ((strlen (pToken) + 1) * sizeof (char)); if (inputs_as_text[i] == NULL) { free(cursor_input); return errorException (*main_conf, _("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } snprintf (inputs_as_text[i], strlen (pToken) + 1, "%s", pToken); pToken = strtok (NULL, ";"); i++; } for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { char *tmp = zStrdup (inputs_as_text[j]); free (inputs_as_text[j]); char *tmpc; tmpc = strtok (tmp, "@"); while (tmpc != NULL) { char *tmpv = strstr (tmpc, "="); char tmpn[256]; memset (tmpn, 0, 256); if (tmpv != NULL) { strncpy (tmpn, tmpc, (strlen (tmpc) - strlen (tmpv)) * sizeof (char)); tmpn[strlen (tmpc) - strlen (tmpv)] = 0; } else { strncpy (tmpn, tmpc, strlen (tmpc) * sizeof (char)); tmpn[strlen (tmpc)] = 0; } if (tmpmaps == NULL) { tmpmaps = createMaps(tmpn); if (tmpmaps == NULL) { free(cursor_input); return errorException (*main_conf, _("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } if (tmpv != NULL) { char *tmpvf = url_decode (tmpv + 1); tmpmaps->content = createMap ("value", tmpvf); free (tmpvf); } else tmpmaps->content = createMap ("value", "Reference"); tmpmaps->next = NULL; } tmpc = strtok (NULL, "@"); while (tmpc != NULL) { char *tmpv1 = strstr (tmpc, "="); char tmpn1[1024]; memset (tmpn1, 0, 1024); if (tmpv1 != NULL) { strncpy (tmpn1, tmpc, strlen (tmpc) - strlen (tmpv1)); tmpn1[strlen (tmpc) - strlen (tmpv1)] = 0; addToMap (tmpmaps->content, tmpn1, tmpv1 + 1); } else { strncpy (tmpn1, tmpc, strlen (tmpc)); tmpn1[strlen (tmpc)] = 0; map *lmap = getLastMap (tmpmaps->content); char *tmpValue = (char *) malloc ((strlen (tmpv) + strlen (tmpc) + 1) * sizeof (char)); sprintf (tmpValue, "%s@%s", tmpv + 1, tmpc); free (lmap->value); lmap->value = zStrdup (tmpValue); free (tmpValue); tmpc = strtok (NULL, "@"); continue; } if (strcmp (tmpn1, "xlink:href") != 0) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, tmpn1, tmpv1 + 1); else if (tmpv1 != NULL) { char *tmpx2 = url_decode (tmpv1 + 1); if (strncasecmp (tmpx2, "http://", 7) != 0 && strncasecmp (tmpx2, "ftp://", 6) != 0 && strncasecmp (tmpx2, "https://", 8) != 0) { char emsg[1024]; sprintf (emsg, _ ("Unable to find a valid protocol to download the remote file %s"), tmpv1 + 1); free(cursor_input); return errorException (*main_conf, emsg, "InternalError", NULL); } addToMap (tmpmaps->content, tmpn1, tmpx2); { if (loadRemoteFile (&*main_conf, &tmpmaps->content, hInternet, tmpx2) < 0) { free(cursor_input); return errorException (*main_conf, "Unable to fetch any resource", "InternalError", NULL); } } free (tmpx2); addIntToMap (tmpmaps->content, "Order", hInternet->nb); addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "Reference", tmpv1 + 1); } tmpc = strtok (NULL, "@"); } if (*request_output == NULL) *request_output = dupMaps (&tmpmaps); else { maps *testPresence = getMaps (*request_output, tmpmaps->name); if (testPresence != NULL) { elements *elem = getElements (s->inputs, tmpmaps->name); if (elem != NULL) { if (appendMapsToMaps (*main_conf, *request_output, tmpmaps, elem) < 0) { free(cursor_input); return errorException (*main_conf, "Unable to append maps", "InternalError", NULL); } } } else addMapsToMaps (request_output, tmpmaps); } freeMaps (&tmpmaps); free (tmpmaps); tmpmaps = NULL; free (tmp); } } free (inputs_as_text); free(cursor_input); } return 1; } /** * Parse outputs provided as KVP and store them in a maps. * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param request_inputs the map storing KVP raw value * @param request_output the maps to store the KVP pairs * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ int kvpParseOutputs(maps** main_conf,map *request_inputs,maps** request_output){ /** * Parsing outputs provided as KVP */ map *r_inputs = NULL; r_inputs = getMap (request_inputs, "ResponseDocument"); if (r_inputs == NULL) r_inputs = getMap (request_inputs, "RawDataOutput"); if (r_inputs != NULL) { char *cursor_output = zStrdup (r_inputs->value); int j = 0; /** * Put each Output into the outputs_as_text array */ char *pToken; maps *tmp_output = NULL; pToken = strtok (cursor_output, ";"); char **outputs_as_text = (char **) malloc (128 * sizeof (char *)); if (outputs_as_text == NULL) { free(cursor_output); return errorException (*main_conf, _("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } int i = 0; while (pToken != NULL) { outputs_as_text[i] = (char *) malloc ((strlen (pToken) + 1) * sizeof (char)); if (outputs_as_text[i] == NULL) { free(cursor_output); return errorException (*main_conf, _("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } snprintf (outputs_as_text[i], strlen (pToken) + 1, "%s", pToken); pToken = strtok (NULL, ";"); i++; } for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { char *tmp = zStrdup (outputs_as_text[j]); free (outputs_as_text[j]); char *tmpc; tmpc = strtok (tmp, "@"); int k = 0; while (tmpc != NULL) { if (k == 0) { if (tmp_output == NULL) { tmp_output = createMaps(tmpc); if (tmp_output == NULL) { free(cursor_output); return errorException (*main_conf, _ ("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } } } else { char *tmpv = strstr (tmpc, "="); char tmpn[256]; memset (tmpn, 0, 256); strncpy (tmpn, tmpc, (strlen (tmpc) - strlen (tmpv)) * sizeof (char)); tmpn[strlen (tmpc) - strlen (tmpv)] = 0; if (tmp_output->content == NULL) { tmp_output->content = createMap (tmpn, tmpv + 1); tmp_output->content->next = NULL; } else addToMap (tmp_output->content, tmpn, tmpv + 1); } k++; tmpc = strtok (NULL, "@"); } if (*request_output == NULL) *request_output = dupMaps (&tmp_output); else addMapsToMaps (request_output, tmp_output); freeMaps (&tmp_output); free (tmp_output); tmp_output = NULL; free (tmp); } free (outputs_as_text); free(cursor_output); } return 1; } /** * Create a "missingIdentifier" maps in case it is NULL. * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param mymaps the maps to update * @return 0 on success, 4 on failure */ int defineMissingIdentifier(maps** main_conf,maps** mymaps){ if (*mymaps == NULL){ *mymaps = createMaps("missingIndetifier"); if (*mymaps == NULL){ return errorException (*main_conf, _("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } } return 0; } /** * Parse inputs from XML nodes and store them in a maps. * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param s the service * @param request_output the maps to store the KVP pairs * @param doc the xmlDocPtr containing the original request * @param nodes the input nodes array * @param hInternet the HINTERNET queue to add potential requests * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ int xmlParseInputs(maps** main_conf,service* s,maps** request_output,xmlDocPtr doc,xmlNodeSet* nodes,HINTERNET* hInternet){ int k = 0; int l = 0; map* version=getMapFromMaps(*main_conf,"main","rversion"); map* memory=getMapFromMaps(*main_conf,"main","memory"); int vid=getVersionId(version->value); for (k=0; k < nodes->nodeNr; k++) { maps *tmpmaps = NULL; xmlNodePtr cur = nodes->nodeTab[k]; if (nodes->nodeTab[k]->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { // A specific Input node. if(vid==1){ xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur, BAD_CAST "id"); tmpmaps = createMaps((char *) val); xmlFree(val); } xmlNodePtr cur2 = cur->children; while (cur2 != NULL) { while (cur2 != NULL && cur2->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) cur2 = cur2->next; if (cur2 == NULL) break; // Indentifier if (xmlStrncasecmp (cur2->name, BAD_CAST "Identifier", xmlStrlen (cur2->name)) == 0) { xmlChar *val = xmlNodeListGetString (doc, cur2->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (tmpmaps == NULL && val!=NULL) { tmpmaps = createMaps((char*)val); if (tmpmaps == NULL) { return errorException (*main_conf, _ ("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } xmlFree (val); } } // Title, Asbtract if (xmlStrncasecmp (cur2->name, BAD_CAST "Title", xmlStrlen (cur2->name)) == 0 || xmlStrncasecmp (cur2->name, BAD_CAST "Abstract", xmlStrlen (cur2->name)) == 0) { xmlChar *val = xmlNodeListGetString (doc, cur2->xmlChildrenNode, 1); defineMissingIdentifier(main_conf,&tmpmaps); if(val!=NULL){ if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, (char *) cur2->name, (char *) val); else tmpmaps->content = createMap ((char *) cur2->name, (char *) val); xmlFree (val); } } // InputDataFormChoice (Reference or Data ?) / 2.0.0 DataInputType / Input if (xmlStrcasecmp (cur2->name, BAD_CAST "Input") == 0) { char *xpathExpr=(char*)malloc(61+strlen(tmpmaps->name)); sprintf(xpathExpr,"/*/*[local-name()='Input' and @id='%s']/*[local-name()='Input']",tmpmaps->name); xmlXPathObjectPtr tmpsptr = extractFromDoc (doc, xpathExpr); xmlNodeSet *tmps = tmpsptr->nodesetval; if(tmps!=NULL){ maps* request_output1=NULL; if(xmlParseInputs(main_conf,s,&request_output1,doc,tmps,hInternet)<0) return -1; if(tmpmaps->child==NULL) tmpmaps->child=dupMaps(&request_output1); else addMapsToMaps(&tmpmaps->child,request_output1); freeMaps(&request_output1); free(request_output1); } while(cur2->next!=NULL) cur2=cur2->next; } else if (xmlStrcasecmp (cur2->name, BAD_CAST "Reference") == 0) { defineMissingIdentifier(main_conf,&tmpmaps); // Get every attribute from a Reference node // mimeType, encoding, schema, href, method // Header and Body gesture should be added here const char *refs[5] = { "mimeType", "encoding", "schema", "method", "href" }; for (l = 0; l < 5; l++) { xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur2, BAD_CAST refs[l]); if (val != NULL && xmlStrlen (val) > 0) { if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, refs[l], (char *) val); else tmpmaps->content = createMap (refs[l], (char *) val); map *ltmp = getMap (tmpmaps->content, "method"); if (l == 4 ) { if ((ltmp==NULL || strncmp (ltmp->value, "POST",4) != 0)) { if (loadRemoteFile (main_conf, &tmpmaps->content, hInternet, (char *) val) != 0) { return errorException (*main_conf, _("Unable to add a request in the queue."), "InternalError", NULL); } addIntToMap (tmpmaps->content, "Order", hInternet->nb); } addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "Reference", (char*) val); } } xmlFree (val); } // Parse Header and Body from Reference xmlNodePtr cur3 = cur2->children; while (cur3 != NULL) { while (cur3 != NULL && cur3->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) cur3 = cur3->next; if (cur3 == NULL) break; if (xmlStrcasecmp (cur3->name, BAD_CAST "Header") == 0) { const char *ha[2]; ha[0] = "key"; ha[1] = "value"; int hai; char *has=NULL; char *key; for (hai = 0; hai < 2; hai++) { xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur3, BAD_CAST ha[hai]); #ifdef POST_DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "%s = %s\n", ha[hai], (char *) val); #endif if (hai == 0) { key = zStrdup ((char *) val); } else { has = (char *) malloc ((4 + xmlStrlen (val) + strlen (key)) * sizeof (char)); if (has == NULL) { return errorException (*main_conf, _ ("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } snprintf (has, (3 + xmlStrlen (val) + strlen (key)), "%s: %s", key, (char *) val); free (key); } xmlFree (val); } if (has != NULL){ hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].header = NULL; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].header = curl_slist_append (hInternet->ihandle [hInternet->nb].header, has); free (has); } } else { #ifdef POST_DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "Try to fetch the body part of the request ...\n"); #endif if (xmlStrcasecmp (cur3->name, BAD_CAST "Body") == 0) { #ifdef POST_DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "Body part found (%s) !!!\n", (char *) cur3->content); #endif char *tmp = NULL; xmlNodePtr cur4 = cur3->children; while (cur4 != NULL) { while (cur4 && cur4 != NULL && cur4->type && cur4->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE){ if(cur4->next) cur4 = cur4->next; else cur4 = NULL; } if(cur4 != NULL) { xmlDocPtr bdoc = xmlNewDoc (BAD_CAST "1.0"); bdoc->encoding = xmlCharStrdup ("UTF-8"); xmlDocSetRootElement (bdoc, cur4); xmlChar *btmps; int bsize; // TODO : check for encoding defined in the input xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(bdoc, &btmps, &bsize, "UTF-8", 0); if (btmps != NULL){ tmp = (char *) malloc ((bsize + 1) * sizeof (char)); sprintf (tmp, "%s", (char*) btmps); //xmlFreeDoc (bdoc); map *btmp = getMap (tmpmaps->content, "Reference"); addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "Body", tmp); if (btmp != NULL) { addRequestToQueue(main_conf,hInternet,(char *) btmp->value,false); InternetOpenUrl (hInternet, btmp->value, tmp, xmlStrlen(btmps), INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, 0, *main_conf); addIntToMap (tmpmaps->content, "Order", hInternet->nb); } xmlFree (btmps); free (tmp); break; } } cur4 = cur4->next; } } else if (xmlStrcasecmp (cur3->name, BAD_CAST "BodyReference") == 0) { xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur3, BAD_CAST "href"); HINTERNET bInternet, res1, res; maps *tmpConf=createMaps("main"); tmpConf->content=createMap("memory","load"); bInternet = InternetOpen ( #ifndef WIN32 (LPCTSTR) #endif "ZooWPSClient\0", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0); #ifndef WIN32 if (!CHECK_INET_HANDLE (bInternet)) fprintf (stderr, "WARNING : bInternet handle failed to initialize"); #endif bInternet.waitingRequests[0] = zStrdup ((char *) val); res1 = InternetOpenUrl (&bInternet, bInternet.waitingRequests [0], NULL, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, 0, tmpConf); processDownloads (&bInternet); freeMaps(&tmpConf); free(tmpConf); char *tmp = (char *) malloc ((bInternet.ihandle[0].nDataLen + 1) * sizeof (char)); if (tmp == NULL) { return errorException (*main_conf, _ ("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } size_t bRead; InternetReadFile (bInternet.ihandle[0], (LPVOID) tmp, bInternet. ihandle[0].nDataLen, &bRead); tmp[bInternet.ihandle[0].nDataLen] = 0; InternetCloseHandle(&bInternet); addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "Body", tmp); map *btmp = getMap (tmpmaps->content, "href"); if (btmp != NULL) { addRequestToQueue(main_conf,hInternet,(char *) btmp->value,false); res = InternetOpenUrl (hInternet, btmp->value, tmp, strlen(tmp), INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, 0, *main_conf); addIntToMap (tmpmaps->content, "Order", hInternet->nb); } free (tmp); xmlFree (val); } } cur3 = cur3->next; } } else if (xmlStrcasecmp (cur2->name, BAD_CAST "Data") == 0) { defineMissingIdentifier(main_conf,&tmpmaps); xmlNodePtr cur4 = cur2->children; if(vid==1){ // Get every dataEncodingAttributes from a Data node: // mimeType, encoding, schema const char *coms[3] = { "mimeType", "encoding", "schema" }; for (l = 0; l < 3; l++){ xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur4, BAD_CAST coms[l]); if (val != NULL && strlen ((char *) val) > 0){ if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content,coms[l],(char *) val); else tmpmaps->content = createMap (coms[l],(char *) val); } xmlFree (val); } while (cur4 != NULL){ while(cur4 != NULL && cur4->type != XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE && cur4->type != XML_TEXT_NODE && cur4->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) cur4=cur4->next; if(cur4!=NULL){ if (cur4->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { xmlChar *mv; int buffersize; xmlDocPtr doc1 = xmlNewDoc (BAD_CAST "1.0"); xmlDocSetRootElement (doc1, cur4); xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc (doc1, &mv, &buffersize, "utf-8", 0); if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "value", (char *) mv); else tmpmaps->content = createMap ("value", (char *) mv); free(mv); } else{ if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "value", (char *) cur4->content); else tmpmaps->content = createMap ("value", (char *) cur4->content); } cur4=cur4->next; } } } while (cur4 != NULL) { while (cur4 != NULL && cur4->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) cur4 = cur4->next; if (cur4 == NULL) break; if (xmlStrcasecmp (cur4->name, BAD_CAST "LiteralData") == 0) { // Get every attribute from a LiteralData node // dataType , uom char *list[2]; list[0] = zStrdup ("dataType"); list[1] = zStrdup ("uom"); for (l = 0; l < 2; l++) { xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur4, BAD_CAST list[l]); if (val != NULL && strlen ((char *) val) > 0) { if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, list[l], (char *) val); else tmpmaps->content = createMap (list[l], (char *) val); xmlFree (val); } else{ if(l==0){ if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, list[l], "string"); else tmpmaps->content = createMap (list[l],"string"); } } free (list[l]); } } else if (xmlStrcasecmp (cur4->name, BAD_CAST "ComplexData") == 0) { // Get every attribute from a Reference node // mimeType, encoding, schema const char *coms[3] = { "mimeType", "encoding", "schema" }; for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) { xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur4, BAD_CAST coms[l]); if (val != NULL && strlen ((char *) val) > 0) { if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, coms[l], (char *) val); else tmpmaps->content = createMap (coms[l], (char *) val); xmlFree (val); } } } map *test = getMap (tmpmaps->content, "encoding"); if (test == NULL) { if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "encoding", "utf-8"); else tmpmaps->content = createMap ("encoding", "utf-8"); test = getMap (tmpmaps->content, "encoding"); } if (getMap(tmpmaps->content,"dataType")==NULL && test!=NULL && strcasecmp (test->value, "base64") != 0) { xmlChar *mv = NULL; /*if(cur4!=NULL && cur4->xmlChildrenNode!=NULL) xmlChar *mv = xmlNodeListGetString (doc, cur4->xmlChildrenNode, 1);*/ map *ltmp = getMap (tmpmaps->content, "mimeType"); if (/*mv == NULL ||*/ (xmlStrcasecmp (cur4->name, BAD_CAST "ComplexData") == 0 && (ltmp == NULL || strncasecmp (ltmp->value, "text/xml", 8) == 0))) { xmlDocPtr doc1 = xmlNewDoc (BAD_CAST "1.0"); int buffersize; xmlNodePtr cur5 = cur4->children; while (cur5 != NULL && cur5->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE && cur5->type != XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) cur5 = cur5->next; if (cur5 != NULL && cur5->type != XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { xmlDocSetRootElement (doc1, cur5); xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc (doc1, &mv, &buffersize, "utf-8", 0); xmlFreeDoc (doc1); } else { if (cur5 != NULL && cur5->type == XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE){ xmlDocPtr doc2 = xmlReadMemory((const char*)cur5->content,xmlStrlen(cur5->content), "input_content.xml", NULL, XML_PARSE_RECOVER); xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc (doc2, &mv, &buffersize, "utf-8", 0); xmlFreeDoc (doc2); } } addIntToMap (tmpmaps->content, "size", buffersize); }else{ if(xmlStrcasecmp (cur4->name, BAD_CAST "BoundingBoxData") == 0){ xmlDocPtr doc1 = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); int buffersize; xmlDocSetRootElement(doc1,cur4); xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc(doc1,&mv, &buffersize, "utf-8",0); addIntToMap (tmpmaps->content, "size", buffersize); xmlParseBoundingBox(main_conf,&tmpmaps->content,doc1); }else{ xmlNodePtr cur5 = cur4->children; while (cur5 != NULL && cur5->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE && cur5->type != XML_TEXT_NODE && cur5->type != XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) cur5 = cur5->next; if (cur5 != NULL && cur5->type != XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE && cur5->type != XML_TEXT_NODE) { xmlDocPtr doc1 = xmlNewDoc (BAD_CAST "1.0"); int buffersize; xmlDocSetRootElement (doc1, cur5); xmlDocDumpFormatMemoryEnc (doc1, &mv, &buffersize, "utf-8", 0); addIntToMap (tmpmaps->content, "size", buffersize); } else if (cur5 != NULL){ if(ltmp!= NULL && strstr(ltmp->value,"text/")!=NULL){ xmlChar *tmp = xmlNodeListGetRawString (doc, cur4->xmlChildrenNode, 0); addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "value", (char *) tmp); xmlFree (tmp); }else{ while(cur5!=NULL && cur5->type != XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) cur5=cur5->next; xmlFree(mv); if(cur5!=NULL && cur5->content!=NULL){ mv=xmlStrdup(cur5->content); } } } } } if (mv != NULL) { addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "value", (char*) mv); xmlFree (mv); } } else { xmlNodePtr cur5 = cur4->children; while (cur5 != NULL && cur5->type != XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) cur5 = cur5->next; if (cur5 != NULL && cur5->type == XML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) { addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "value", (char *) cur5->content); } else{ if(cur4->xmlChildrenNode!=NULL){ xmlChar *tmp = xmlNodeListGetRawString (doc, cur4->xmlChildrenNode, 0); addToMap (tmpmaps->content, "value", (char *) tmp); xmlFree (tmp); } } } cur4 = cur4->next; } } cur2 = cur2->next; while (cur2 != NULL && cur2->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE){ cur2 = cur2->next; } } if(memory!=NULL && strncasecmp(memory->value,"load",4)!=0) if(getMap(tmpmaps->content,"to_load")==NULL){ addToMap(tmpmaps->content,"to_load","false"); } { map* test=getMap(tmpmaps->content,"value"); if(test==NULL && tmpmaps->child==NULL) addToMap(tmpmaps->content,"value",""); maps *testPresence = getMaps (*request_output, tmpmaps->name); maps *cursor=*request_output; while(testPresence == NULL && cursor!=NULL){ if(cursor->child!=NULL){ testPresence = getMaps (cursor->child, tmpmaps->name); } cursor=cursor->next; } if (testPresence != NULL) { elements *elem = getElements (s->inputs, tmpmaps->name); elements *cursor=s->inputs; while(elem == NULL && cursor!=NULL){ if(cursor->child!=NULL){ elem = getElements (cursor->child, tmpmaps->name); } cursor=cursor->next; } if (elem != NULL) { if (appendMapsToMaps (*main_conf, testPresence, tmpmaps, elem) < 0) { return errorException (*main_conf, _("Unable to append maps to maps."), "InternalError", NULL); } } } else{ addMapsToMaps (request_output, tmpmaps); } } freeMaps (&tmpmaps); free (tmpmaps); tmpmaps = NULL; } } return 1; } /** * Parse a BoundingBoxData node * * http://schemas.opengis.net/ows/1.1.0/owsCommon.xsd: BoundingBoxType * * A map to store boundingbox information will contain: * - LowerCorner : double double (minimum within this bounding box) * - UpperCorner : double double (maximum within this bounding box) * - crs : URI (Reference to definition of the CRS) * - dimensions : int * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param request_inputs the map storing KVP raw value * @param doc the xmlDocPtr containing the BoudingoxData node * @return a map containing all the bounding box keys */ int xmlParseBoundingBox(maps** main_conf,map** current_input,xmlDocPtr doc){ xmlNode *root_element = xmlDocGetRootElement(doc); for(xmlAttrPtr attr = root_element->properties; NULL != attr; attr = attr->next){ xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (root_element, BAD_CAST attr->name); addToMap(*current_input,(char*)attr->name,(char*)val); xmlFree(val); xmlNodePtr cur = root_element->children; while(cur!=NULL && cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) cur=cur->next; while(cur!=NULL && cur->type==XML_ELEMENT_NODE){ xmlChar *val = xmlNodeListGetString (doc, cur->xmlChildrenNode, 1); addToMap(*current_input,(char*)cur->name,(char*)val); cur=cur->next; xmlFree(val); while(cur!=NULL && cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) cur=cur->next; } } return 0; } /** * Parse outputs from XML nodes and store them in a maps (WPS version 2.0.0). * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param request_inputs the map storing KVP raw value * @param request_output the maps to store the KVP pairs * @param doc the xmlDocPtr containing the original request * @param cur the xmlNodePtr corresponding to the ResponseDocument or RawDataOutput XML node * @param raw true if the node is RawDataOutput, false in case of ResponseDocument * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ int xmlParseOutputs2(maps** main_conf,map** request_inputs,maps** request_output,xmlDocPtr doc,xmlNodeSet* nodes){ int k = 0; int l = 0; for (k=0; k < nodes->nodeNr; k++){ maps *tmpmaps = NULL; xmlNodePtr cur = nodes->nodeTab[k]; if (cur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE){ maps *tmpmaps = NULL; xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur, BAD_CAST "id"); if(val!=NULL) tmpmaps = createMaps((char *)val); else tmpmaps = createMaps("unknownIdentifier"); const char ress[4][13] = { "mimeType", "encoding", "schema", "transmission" }; xmlFree (val); for (l = 0; l < 4; l++){ val = xmlGetProp (cur, BAD_CAST ress[l]); if (val != NULL && strlen ((char *) val) > 0) { if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, ress[l], (char *) val); else tmpmaps->content = createMap (ress[l], (char *) val); if(l==3 && strncasecmp((char*)val,"reference",xmlStrlen(val))==0) addToMap (tmpmaps->content,"asReference","true"); } xmlFree (val); } if(cur->children!=NULL){ xmlNodePtr ccur = cur->children; while (ccur != NULL){ if(ccur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE){ char *xpathExpr=(char*)malloc(66+strlen(tmpmaps->name)); sprintf(xpathExpr,"/*/*[local-name()='Output' and @id='%s']/*[local-name()='Output']",tmpmaps->name); xmlXPathObjectPtr tmpsptr = extractFromDoc (doc, xpathExpr); xmlNodeSet* cnodes = tmpsptr->nodesetval; xmlParseOutputs2(main_conf,request_inputs,&tmpmaps->child,doc,cnodes); xmlXPathFreeObject (tmpsptr); free(xpathExpr); break; } ccur = ccur->next; } } if (*request_output == NULL){ *request_output = dupMaps(&tmpmaps); } else{ addMapsToMaps(request_output,tmpmaps); } freeMaps(&tmpmaps); free(tmpmaps); } } return 0; } /** * Parse outputs from XML nodes and store them in a maps. * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param request_inputs the map storing KVP raw value * @param request_output the maps to store the KVP pairs * @param doc the xmlDocPtr containing the original request * @param cur the xmlNodePtr corresponding to the ResponseDocument or RawDataOutput XML node * @param raw true if the node is RawDataOutput, false in case of ResponseDocument * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ int xmlParseOutputs(maps** main_conf,map** request_inputs,maps** request_output,xmlDocPtr doc,xmlNodePtr cur,bool raw){ int l=0; if( raw == true) { addToMap (*request_inputs, "RawDataOutput", ""); if (cur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { maps *tmpmaps = createMaps("unknownIdentifier"); if (tmpmaps == NULL) { return errorException (*main_conf, _("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } // Get every attribute from a RawDataOutput node // mimeType, encoding, schema, uom const char *outs[4] = { "mimeType", "encoding", "schema", "uom" }; for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) { xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur, BAD_CAST outs[l]); if (val != NULL) { if (strlen ((char *) val) > 0) { if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) addToMap (tmpmaps->content, outs[l], (char *) val); else tmpmaps->content = createMap (outs[l], (char *) val); } xmlFree (val); } } xmlNodePtr cur2 = cur->children; while (cur2 != NULL && cur2->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) cur2 = cur2->next; while (cur2 != NULL) { if (xmlStrncasecmp (cur2->name, BAD_CAST "Identifier", xmlStrlen (cur2->name)) == 0) { xmlChar *val = xmlNodeListGetString (NULL, cur2->xmlChildrenNode, 1); free (tmpmaps->name); tmpmaps->name = zStrdup ((char *) val); xmlFree (val); } cur2 = cur2->next; while (cur2 != NULL && cur2->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) cur2 = cur2->next; } if (*request_output == NULL) *request_output = dupMaps (&tmpmaps); else addMapsToMaps (request_output, tmpmaps); if (tmpmaps != NULL) { freeMaps (&tmpmaps); free (tmpmaps); tmpmaps = NULL; } } } else { addToMap (*request_inputs, "ResponseDocument", ""); if (cur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { // Get every attribute: storeExecuteResponse, lineage, status const char *ress[3] = { "storeExecuteResponse", "lineage", "status" }; xmlChar *val; for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) { val = xmlGetProp (cur, BAD_CAST ress[l]); if (val != NULL && strlen ((char *) val) > 0) { addToMap (*request_inputs, ress[l], (char *) val); } xmlFree (val); } xmlNodePtr cur1 = cur->children; while (cur1 != NULL) // iterate over Output nodes { if (cur1->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE || xmlStrncasecmp(cur1->name, BAD_CAST "Output", xmlStrlen (cur1->name)) != 0) { cur1 = cur1->next; continue; } maps *tmpmaps = createMaps("unknownIdentifier"); // one per Output node if (tmpmaps == NULL) { return errorException (*main_conf, _ ("Unable to allocate memory"), "InternalError", NULL); } xmlNodePtr elems = cur1->children; while (elems != NULL) { // Identifier if (xmlStrncasecmp (elems->name, BAD_CAST "Identifier", xmlStrlen (elems->name)) == 0) { xmlChar *val = xmlNodeListGetString (doc, elems->xmlChildrenNode, 1); free(tmpmaps->name); tmpmaps->name = zStrdup ((char *) val); if (tmpmaps->content == NULL) { tmpmaps->content = createMap("Identifier", zStrdup ((char *) val)); } else { addToMap(tmpmaps->content, "Identifier", zStrdup ((char *) val)); } map* tt = getMap (*request_inputs, "ResponseDocument"); if (strlen(tt->value) == 0) { addToMap (*request_inputs, "ResponseDocument", (char *) val); } else { char* tmp = (char*) malloc((strlen(tt->value) + 1 + strlen((char*) val) + 1) * sizeof(char)); sprintf (tmp, "%s;%s", tt->value, (char *) val); free(tt->value); tt->value = tmp; } xmlFree (val); } // Title, Abstract else if (xmlStrncasecmp(elems->name, BAD_CAST "Title", xmlStrlen (elems->name)) == 0 || xmlStrncasecmp(elems->name, BAD_CAST "Abstract", xmlStrlen (elems->name)) == 0) { xmlChar *val = xmlNodeListGetString (doc, elems->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (tmpmaps->content == NULL) { tmpmaps->content = createMap((char*) elems->name, zStrdup ((char *) val)); } else { addToMap(tmpmaps->content, (char*) elems->name, zStrdup ((char *) val)); } xmlFree (val); } elems = elems->next; } // Get every attribute from an Output node: // mimeType, encoding, schema, uom, asReference const char *outs[5] = { "mimeType", "encoding", "schema", "uom", "asReference" }; for (l = 0; l < 5; l++) { xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur1, BAD_CAST outs[l]); if (val != NULL && xmlStrlen(val) > 0) { if (tmpmaps->content != NULL) { addToMap (tmpmaps->content, outs[l], (char *) val); } else { tmpmaps->content = createMap (outs[l], (char *) val); } } xmlFree (val); } if (*request_output == NULL) { *request_output = tmpmaps; } else if (getMaps(*request_output, tmpmaps->name) != NULL) { return errorException (*main_conf, _ ("Duplicate elements in WPS Execute request"), "InternalError", NULL); } else { maps* mptr = *request_output; while (mptr->next != NULL) { mptr = mptr->next; } mptr->next = tmpmaps; } cur1 = cur1->next; } } } return 1; } /** * Parse XML request and store information in maps. * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param post the string containing the XML request * @param request_inputs the map storing KVP raw value * @param s the service * @param inputs the maps to store the KVP pairs * @param outputs the maps to store the KVP pairs * @param hInternet the HINTERNET queue to add potential requests * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure */ int xmlParseRequest(maps** main_conf,const char* post,map** request_inputs,service* s,maps** inputs,maps** outputs,HINTERNET* hInternet){ map* version=getMapFromMaps(*main_conf,"main","rversion"); int vid=getVersionId(version->value); xmlInitParser (); xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadMemory (post, cgiContentLength, "input_request.xml", NULL, XML_PARSE_RECOVER); /** * Extract Input nodes from the XML Request. */ xmlXPathObjectPtr tmpsptr = extractFromDoc (doc, (vid==0?"/*/*/*[local-name()='Input']":"/*/*[local-name()='Input']")); xmlNodeSet *tmps = tmpsptr->nodesetval; if(tmps==NULL || xmlParseInputs(main_conf,s,inputs,doc,tmps,hInternet)<0){ xmlXPathFreeObject (tmpsptr); xmlFreeDoc (doc); xmlCleanupParser (); return -1; } xmlXPathFreeObject (tmpsptr); if(vid==1){ tmpsptr = extractFromDoc (doc, "/*[local-name()='Execute']"); bool asRaw = false; tmps = tmpsptr->nodesetval; if(tmps->nodeNr > 0){ int k = 0; for (k=0; k < tmps->nodeNr; k++){ maps *tmpmaps = NULL; xmlNodePtr cur = tmps->nodeTab[k]; if (cur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE){ xmlChar *val = xmlGetProp (cur, BAD_CAST "mode"); if(val!=NULL) addToMap(*request_inputs,"mode",(char*)val); else addToMap(*request_inputs,"mode","auto"); xmlFree(val); val = xmlGetProp (cur, BAD_CAST "response"); if(val!=NULL){ addToMap(*request_inputs,"response",(char*)val); if(strncasecmp((char*)val,"raw",xmlStrlen(val))==0) addToMap(*request_inputs,"RawDataOutput",""); else addToMap(*request_inputs,"ResponseDocument",""); } else{ addToMap(*request_inputs,"response","document"); addToMap(*request_inputs,"ResponseDocument",""); } xmlFree(val); } } } xmlXPathFreeObject (tmpsptr); tmpsptr = extractFromDoc (doc, "/*/*[local-name()='Output']"); tmps = tmpsptr->nodesetval; if(tmps->nodeNr > 0){ if(xmlParseOutputs2(main_conf,request_inputs,outputs,doc,tmps)<0){ xmlXPathFreeObject (tmpsptr); xmlFreeDoc (doc); xmlCleanupParser (); return -1; } } } else{ // Extract ResponseDocument / RawDataOutput from the XML Request tmpsptr = extractFromDoc (doc, "/*/*/*[local-name()='ResponseDocument']"); bool asRaw = false; tmps = tmpsptr->nodesetval; if (tmps->nodeNr == 0) { xmlXPathFreeObject (tmpsptr); tmpsptr = extractFromDoc (doc, "/*/*/*[local-name()='RawDataOutput']"); tmps = tmpsptr->nodesetval; asRaw = true; } if(tmps->nodeNr != 0){ if(xmlParseOutputs(main_conf,request_inputs,outputs,doc,tmps->nodeTab[0],asRaw)<0){ xmlXPathFreeObject (tmpsptr); xmlFreeDoc (doc); xmlCleanupParser (); return -1; } } } xmlXPathFreeObject (tmpsptr); xmlFreeDoc (doc); xmlCleanupParser (); return 1; } /** * Parse request and store information in maps. * * @param main_conf the conf maps containing the main.cfg settings * @param post the string containing the XML request * @param request_inputs the map storing KVP raw value * @param s the service * @param inputs the maps to store the KVP pairs * @param outputs the maps to store the KVP pairs * @param hInternet the HINTERNET queue to add potential requests * @return 0 on success, -1 on failure * @see kvpParseOutputs,kvpParseInputs,xmlParseRequest */ int parseRequest(maps** main_conf,map** request_inputs,service* s,maps** inputs,maps** outputs,HINTERNET* hInternet){ map *postRequest = NULL; postRequest = getMap (*request_inputs, "xrequest"); if (postRequest == NULLMAP) { if(kvpParseOutputs(main_conf,*request_inputs,outputs)<0){ return -1; } if(kvpParseInputs(main_conf,s,*request_inputs,inputs,hInternet)<0){ return -1; } } else { //Parse XML request if(xmlParseRequest(main_conf,postRequest->value,request_inputs,s,inputs,outputs,hInternet)<0){ return -1; } } return 1; } /** * Ensure that each requested arguments are present in the request * DataInputs and ResponseDocument / RawDataOutput. Potentially run * http requests from the queue in parallel. * For optional inputs add default values defined in the ZCFG file. * * @param main_conf * @param s * @param original_request * @param request_inputs * @param request_outputs * @param hInternet * * @see runHttpRequests */ int validateRequest(maps** main_conf,service* s,map* original_request, maps** request_inputs,maps** request_outputs,HINTERNET* hInternet){ map* errI0=NULL; runHttpRequests (main_conf, request_inputs, hInternet,&errI0); if(errI0!=NULL){ printExceptionReportResponse (*main_conf, errI0); InternetCloseHandle (hInternet); return -1; } InternetCloseHandle (hInternet); map* errI=NULL; char *dfv = addDefaultValues (request_inputs, s->inputs, *main_conf, 0,&errI); maps *ptr = *request_inputs; while (ptr != NULL) { map *tmp0 = getMap (ptr->content, "size"); map *tmp1 = getMap (ptr->content, "maximumMegabytes"); if (tmp1 != NULL && tmp0 != NULL) { float i = atof (tmp0->value) / 1048576.0; if (i >= atoi (tmp1->value)) { char tmps[1024]; map *tmpe = createMap ("code", "FileSizeExceeded"); snprintf (tmps, 1024, _ ("The <%s> parameter has a size limit (%s MB) defined in the ZOO ServicesProvider configuration file, but the reference you provided exceeds this limit (%f MB)."), ptr->name, tmp1->value, i); addToMap (tmpe, "locator", ptr->name); addToMap (tmpe, "text", tmps); printExceptionReportResponse (*main_conf, tmpe); freeMap (&tmpe); free (tmpe); return -1; } } ptr = ptr->next; } map* errO=NULL; char *dfv1 = addDefaultValues (request_outputs, s->outputs, *main_conf, 1,&errO); if (strcmp (dfv1, "") != 0 || strcmp (dfv, "") != 0) { char tmps[1024]; map *tmpe = NULL; if (strcmp (dfv, "") != 0) { tmpe = createMap ("code", "MissingParameterValue"); int nb=0; int length=1; map* len=getMap(errI,"length"); if(len!=NULL) length=atoi(len->value); for(nb=0;nb argument was not specified in DataInputs but is required according to the ZOO ServicesProvider configuration file."), errp->value); setMapArray (tmpe, "locator", nb , errp->value); setMapArray (tmpe, "text", nb , tmps); setMapArray (tmpe, "code", nb , "MissingParameterValue"); } } if (strcmp (dfv1, "") != 0) { int ilength=0; if(tmpe==NULL) tmpe = createMap ("code", "InvalidParameterValue"); else{ map* len=getMap(tmpe,"length"); if(len!=NULL) ilength=atoi(len->value); } int nb=0; int length=1; map* len=getMap(errO,"length"); if(len!=NULL) length=atoi(len->value); for(nb=0;nb argument specified as %s identifier was not recognized (not defined in the ZOO Configuration File)."), errp->value, ((getMap(original_request,"RawDataOutput")!=NULL)?"RawDataOutput":"ResponseDocument")); setMapArray (tmpe, "locator", nb+ilength , errp->value); setMapArray (tmpe, "text", nb+ilength , tmps); setMapArray (tmpe, "code", nb+ilength , "InvalidParameterValue"); } } printExceptionReportResponse (*main_conf, tmpe); if(errI!=NULL){ freeMap(&errI); free(errI); } if(errO!=NULL){ freeMap(&errO); free(errO); } freeMap (&tmpe); free (tmpe); return -1; } maps *tmpReqI = *request_inputs; while (tmpReqI != NULL) { char name[1024]; if (getMap (tmpReqI->content, "isFile") != NULL) { if (cgiFormFileName (tmpReqI->name, name, sizeof (name)) == cgiFormSuccess) { int BufferLen = 1024; cgiFilePtr file; int targetFile; char *storageNameOnServer; char *fileNameOnServer; char contentType[1024]; char buffer[1024]; char *tmpStr = NULL; int size; int got, t; map *path = getMapFromMaps (*main_conf, "main", "tmpPath"); cgiFormFileSize (tmpReqI->name, &size); cgiFormFileContentType (tmpReqI->name, contentType, sizeof (contentType)); if (cgiFormFileOpen (tmpReqI->name, &file) == cgiFormSuccess) { t = -1; while (1) { tmpStr = strstr (name + t + 1, "\\"); if (NULL == tmpStr) tmpStr = strstr (name + t + 1, "/"); if (NULL != tmpStr) t = (int) (tmpStr - name); else break; } fileNameOnServer=(char*)malloc((strlen(name) - t - 1 )*sizeof(char)); strcpy (fileNameOnServer, name + t + 1); storageNameOnServer=(char*)malloc((strlen(path->value) + strlen(fileNameOnServer) + 2)*sizeof(char)); sprintf (storageNameOnServer, "%s/%s", path->value, fileNameOnServer); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "Name on server %s\n", storageNameOnServer); fprintf (stderr, "fileNameOnServer: %s\n", fileNameOnServer); #endif targetFile = zOpen (storageNameOnServer, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH); if (targetFile < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "could not create the new file,%s\n", fileNameOnServer); #endif } else { while (cgiFormFileRead (file, buffer, BufferLen, &got) == cgiFormSuccess) { if (got > 0) write (targetFile, buffer, got); } } addToMap (tmpReqI->content, "lref", storageNameOnServer); cgiFormFileClose (file); zClose (targetFile); free(fileNameOnServer); free(storageNameOnServer); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf (stderr, "File \"%s\" has been uploaded", fileNameOnServer); #endif } } } tmpReqI = tmpReqI->next; } ensureDecodedBase64 (request_inputs); return 1; } /** * Verify if a parameter value is valid. * * @param request the request map * @param res the error map potentially generated * @param toCheck the parameter to use * @param avalues the acceptable values (or null if testing only for presence) * @param mandatory verify the presence of the parameter if mandatory > 0 */ void checkValidValue(map* request,map** res,const char* toCheck,const char** avalues,int mandatory){ map* lres=*res; map* r_inputs = getMap (request,toCheck); if (r_inputs == NULL){ if(mandatory>0){ const char *replace=_("Mandatory parameter <%s> was not specified"); char *message=(char*)malloc((strlen(replace)+strlen(toCheck)+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(message,replace,toCheck); if(lres==NULL){ lres=createMap("code","MissingParameterValue"); addToMap(lres,"text",message); addToMap(lres,"locator",toCheck); }else{ int length=1; map* len=getMap(lres,"length"); if(len!=NULL){ length=atoi(len->value); } setMapArray(lres,"text",length,message); setMapArray(lres,"locator",length,toCheck); setMapArray(lres,"code",length,"MissingParameterValue"); } free(message); } }else{ if(avalues==NULL) return; int nb=0; int hasValidValue=-1; if(strncasecmp(toCheck,"Accept",6)==0){ char *tmp=zStrdup(r_inputs->value); char *pToken,*saveptr; pToken=strtok_r(tmp,",",&saveptr); while(pToken!=NULL){ while(avalues[nb]!=NULL){ if(strcasecmp(avalues[nb],pToken)==0){ hasValidValue=1; break; } nb++; } pToken=strtok_r(NULL,",",&saveptr); } free(tmp); }else{ while(avalues[nb]!=NULL){ if(strcasecmp(avalues[nb],r_inputs->value)==0){ hasValidValue=1; break; } nb++; } } if(hasValidValue<0){ const char *replace=_("The value <%s> was not recognized, %s %s the only acceptable value."); nb=0; char *vvalues=NULL; const char* num=_("is"); while(avalues[nb]!=NULL){ char *tvalues; if(vvalues==NULL){ vvalues=(char*)malloc((strlen(avalues[nb])+3)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(vvalues,"%s",avalues[nb]); } else{ tvalues=zStrdup(vvalues); vvalues=(char*)realloc(vvalues,(strlen(tvalues)+strlen(avalues[nb])+3)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(vvalues,"%s, %s",tvalues,avalues[nb]); free(tvalues); num=_("are"); } nb++; } char *message=(char*)malloc((strlen(replace)+strlen(num)+strlen(vvalues)+strlen(toCheck)+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(message,replace,toCheck,vvalues,num); const char *code="VersionNegotiationFailed"; code="InvalidParameterValue"; const char *locator=toCheck; if( strncasecmp(toCheck,"version",7)==0 || strncasecmp(toCheck,"AcceptVersions",14)==0 ) code="VersionNegotiationFailed"; if( strncasecmp(toCheck,"request",7)==0){ code="OperationNotSupported"; locator=r_inputs->value; } if(lres==NULL){ lres=createMap("code",code); addToMap(lres,"text",message); addToMap(lres,"locator",locator); }else{ int length=1; map* len=getMap(lres,"length"); if(len!=NULL){ length=atoi(len->value); } setMapArray(lres,"text",length,message); setMapArray(lres,"locator",length,locator); setMapArray(lres,"code",length,code); } } } if(lres!=NULL){ *res=lres; } } /** * Parse cookie contained in request headers. * * @param conf the conf maps containinfg the main.cfg * @param cookie the */ void parseCookie(maps** conf,const char* cookie){ char* tcook=zStrdup(cookie); char *token, *saveptr; token = strtok_r (tcook, "; ", &saveptr); maps* res=createMaps("cookies"); while (token != NULL){ char *token1, *saveptr1, *name; int i=0; token1 = strtok_r (token, "=", &saveptr1); while (token1 != NULL){ if(i==0){ name=zStrdup(token1); i++; } else{ if(res->content==NULL) res->content=createMap(name,token1); else addToMap(res->content,name,token1); free(name); name=NULL; i=0; } token1 = strtok_r (NULL, "=", &saveptr1); } if(name!=NULL) free(name); token = strtok_r (NULL, "; ", &saveptr); } addMapsToMaps(conf,res); freeMaps(&res); free(res); free(tcook); }