/* * ulinet.c * * Author : GĂ©rald FENOY * * Copyright (c) 2008-2015 GeoLabs SARL * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ #define _ULINET #define MAX_WAIT_MSECS 180*1000 /* Wait max. 180 seconds */ #include "ulinet.h" #include #include /** * Write the downloaded content to a _HINTERNET structure * * @param buffer the buffer to read * @param size size of each member * @param nmemb number of element to read * @param data the _HINTERNET structure to write in * @return the size red, -1 if buffer is NULL */ size_t write_data_into(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data){ size_t realsize = size * nmemb; _HINTERNET *psInternet; if(buffer==NULL){ buffer=NULL; return -1; } psInternet=(_HINTERNET *)data; if(psInternet->pabyData){ psInternet->pabyData=(unsigned char*)realloc(psInternet->pabyData,psInternet->nDataLen+realsize+1); psInternet->nDataAlloc+=psInternet->nDataLen+realsize+1; } else{ psInternet->pabyData=(unsigned char*)malloc(psInternet->nDataLen+realsize+1); psInternet->nDataAlloc=realsize+1; } if (psInternet->pabyData) { memcpy( psInternet->pabyData + psInternet->nDataLen, buffer, realsize); psInternet->nDataLen += realsize; psInternet->pabyData[psInternet->nDataLen] = 0; } buffer=NULL; return realsize; } /** * In case of presence of "Set-Cookie" in the headers red, store the cookie * identifier in cookie * * @param buffer the buffer to read * @param size size of each member * @param nmemb number of element to read * @param data the _HINTERNET structure to write in * @return the size red, -1 if buffer is NULL * @see cookie */ size_t header_write_data(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *data){ if(strncmp("Set-Cookie: ",(char*)buffer,12)==0){ int i; char* tmp; for(i=0;i<12;i++) #ifndef WIN32 buffer++; #else ; #endif tmp=strtok(buffer,";"); int cnt=0; _HINTERNET *psInternet=(_HINTERNET *)data; if(tmp!=NULL && psInternet!=NULL){ psInternet->cookie=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(tmp)+1)); sprintf(psInternet->cookie,"%s",tmp); } } return size * nmemb;//write_data_into(buffer,size,nmemb,data,HEADER); }; /** * Define the proxy to use for a CURL handler * * @param handle the CURL handler * @param host the proxy host (including http://) * @param port the proxy port */ void setProxy(CURL* handle,char* host,long port){ char* proxyDef=(char*)malloc((strlen(host)+10+2)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(proxyDef,"%s:%ld",host,port); curl_easy_setopt(handle,CURLOPT_PROXY,proxyDef); free(proxyDef); } /** * MACOSX */ #if defined(macintosh) || (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)) char* CFStringToCString(CFStringRef dest,char *buffer){ CFStringEncoding encoding = kCFStringEncodingUTF8; Boolean bool2 = CFStringGetCString(dest,buffer,1024,encoding); if(bool2){ printf("Loaded into local_buffer"); return buffer; } return NULL; } OSStatus setProxiesForProtcol(CURL* handle,const char *proto){ OSStatus err; CFDictionaryRef proxyDict; CFArrayRef proxies; CFStringRef key_enabled = NULL; CFStringRef key_host = NULL; CFStringRef key_port = NULL; bool proxy_enabled; char *proxy_host; long proxy_port; proxyDict = NULL; proxies = NULL; err = noErr; proxyDict = SCDynamicStoreCopyProxies(NULL); if(strncmp(proto,"http",4)==0){ key_enabled=kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPEnable; key_host=kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPProxy; key_port=kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPPort; } else if(strncmp(proto,"https",5)==0){ key_enabled=kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSEnable; key_host=kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSProxy; key_port=kSCPropNetProxiesHTTPSPort; } CFNumberGetValue(CFDictionaryGetValue(proxyDict,key_enabled),kCFNumberIntType,&proxy_enabled); if(proxy_enabled){ CFNumberGetValue(CFDictionaryGetValue(proxyDict,key_port),CFNumberGetType(CFDictionaryGetValue(proxyDict,key_port)),&proxy_port); char buffer[1024]; CFStringToCString(CFDictionaryGetValue(proxyDict,key_host),buffer); proxy_host=buffer; #ifdef MSG_LAF_VERBOSE printf("\n**[PROXY SETTINGS DETECTION %s (%d) %s:%li (%s)]**\n",proto,proxy_enabled,(char*)proxy_host,proxy_port,buffer); #endif if (proxyDict == NULL) { err = coreFoundationUnknownErr; } setProxy(handle,proxy_host,proxy_port); } return err; } #else /** * Should autodetect the proxy configuration (do nothing on linux) * * @param handle a CURL handle * @param proto the protocol requiring the use of a proxy */ int setProxiesForProtcol(CURL* handle,const char *proto){ #ifdef MSG_LAF_VERBOSE fprintf( stderr, "setProxiesForProtocol (do nothing) ...\n" ); #endif return 0; } #endif /** * Create a HINTERNET * * @param lpszAgent the HTPP User-Agent to use to send requests * @param dwAccessType type of access required * @param lpszProxyName the name of the proxy server(s) to use * @param lpszProxyBypass ip address or host names which should not be routed * through the proxy * @param dwFlags Options (INTERNET_FLAG_ASYNC,INTERNET_FLAG_FROM_CACHE,INTERNET_FLAG_OFFLINE) * @return the created HINTERNET */ HINTERNET InternetOpen(char* lpszAgent,int dwAccessType,char* lpszProxyName,char* lpszProxyBypass,int dwFlags){ HINTERNET ret; ret.handle=curl_multi_init(); ret.agent=strdup(lpszAgent); ret.nb=0; ret.ihandle[ret.nb].header=NULL; return ret; } /** * Add missing headers to an existing _HINTERNET * * * @param handle the _HINTERNET pointer * @param key the header parameter name * @param value the header parameter value * @return 0 if the operation succeeded, -1 in other case. */ int AddMissingHeaderEntry(_HINTERNET* handle,const char* key,const char* value){ int length=strlen(key)+strlen(value)+3; char *entry=(char*)malloc((length)*sizeof(char)); if(entry==NULL) return -1; snprintf (entry, length, "%s: %s", key, value); handle->header = curl_slist_append (handle->header, entry); free(entry); return 0; } /** * Verify if a host is protected (appear in [security] > hosts) * * @param protectedHosts string containing all the protected hosts (coma separated) * @param url string used to extract the host from * @return 1 if the host is listed as protected, 0 in other case */ int isProtectedHost(const char* protectedHosts,const char* url){ char *token, *saveptr; token = strtok_r (url, "//", &saveptr); int cnt=0; char* host; while(token!=NULL && cnt<=1){ fprintf(stderr,"%s %d %s \n",__FILE__,__LINE__,token); if(cnt==1) fprintf(stderr,"%s %d %s \n",__FILE__,__LINE__,strstr(protectedHosts,token)); fflush(stderr); if(cnt==1 && strstr(protectedHosts,token)!=NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"%s %d %s \n",__FILE__,__LINE__,strstr(protectedHosts,token)); return 1; } token = strtok_r (NULL, "/", &saveptr); cnt+=1; } return 0; } /** * Add headers defined in [security] > attributes to an existing HINTERNET * @see isProtectedHost, AddMissingHeaderEntry * * @param handle the _HINTERNET pointer * @param conf the header parameter name * @param value the header parameter value * @return 0 if the operation succeeded, -1 in other case. */ void AddHeaderEntries(HINTERNET* handle,maps* conf){ map* passThrough=getMapFromMaps(conf,"security","attributes"); map* targetHosts=getMapFromMaps(conf,"security","hosts"); char* passedHeader[10]; int cnt=0; if(passThrough!=NULL && targetHosts!=NULL){ char *tmp=zStrdup(passThrough->value); char *token, *saveptr; token = strtok_r (tmp, ",", &saveptr); int i; for(i=0;inb;i++){ if(targetHosts->value[0]=='*' || isProtectedHost(targetHosts->value,handle->ihandle[i].url)==1){ while (token != NULL){ int length=strlen(token)+6; char* tmp1=(char*)malloc(length*sizeof(char)); snprintf(tmp1,6,"HTTP_"); int j; for(j=0;token[j]!='\0';j++){ if(token[j]!='-') tmp1[5+j]=toupper(token[j]); else tmp1[5+j]='_'; tmp1[5+j+1]='\0'; } fprintf(stderr,"%s %d %s \n",__FILE__,__LINE__,tmp1); map* tmpMap = getMapFromMaps(conf,"renv",tmp1); if(tmpMap!=NULL) AddMissingHeaderEntry(&handle->ihandle[i],token,tmpMap->value); free(tmp1); if(handle->ihandle[i].header!=NULL) curl_easy_setopt(handle->ihandle[i].handle,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,handle->ihandle[i].header); cnt+=1; token = strtok_r (NULL, ",", &saveptr); } } } free(tmp); } } /** * Close a HINTERNET connection and free allocated resources * * @param handle0 the HINTERNET connection to close */ void InternetCloseHandle(HINTERNET* handle0){ int i=0; for(i=0;inb;i++){ _HINTERNET handle=handle0->ihandle[i]; if(handle.hasCacheFile>0){ fclose(handle.file); unlink(handle.filename); } else{ handle.pabyData = NULL; handle.nDataAlloc = handle.nDataLen = 0; } if(handle0->ihandle[i].header!=NULL){ curl_slist_free_all(handle0->ihandle[i].header); handle0->ihandle[i].header=NULL; } if(handle.post!=NULL) free(handle.post); if(handle.url!=NULL) free(handle.url); if(handle.mimeType!=NULL) free(handle.mimeType); if(handle.cookie!=NULL) free(handle.cookie); } if(handle0->handle) curl_multi_cleanup(handle0->handle); free(handle0->agent); for(i=handle0->nb-1;i>=0;i--){ free(handle0->waitingRequests[i]); } } /** * Create a new element in the download queue * * @param hInternet the HINTERNET connection to add the download link * @param lpszUrl the url to download * @param lpszHeaders the additional headers to be sent to the HTTP server * @param dwHeadersLength the size of the additional headers * @param dwFlags desired download mode (INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE for not using cache file) * @param dwContext not used */ HINTERNET InternetOpenUrl(HINTERNET* hInternet,LPCTSTR lpszUrl,LPCTSTR lpszHeaders,size_t dwHeadersLength,size_t dwFlags,size_t dwContext){ char filename[255]; struct MemoryStruct header; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle=curl_easy_init( ); hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].hasCacheFile=0; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].nDataAlloc = 0; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].url = NULL; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].mimeType = NULL; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].cookie = NULL; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].nDataLen = 0; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].id = hInternet->nb; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].nDataAlloc = 0; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].pabyData = NULL; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].post = NULL; curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "ALL"); #ifndef TIGER curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_COOKIELIST, "ALL"); #endif curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, hInternet->agent); curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,1); curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle,CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS,3); header.memory=NULL; header.size = 0; curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, header_write_data); curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER, (void *)&header); #ifdef MSG_LAF_VERBOSE curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); #endif switch(dwFlags) { case INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE: hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].hasCacheFile=-1; curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data_into); curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, (void*)&hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb]); break; default: sprintf(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].filename,"/tmp/ZOO_Cache%d",(int)time(NULL)); hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].filename[24]=0; #ifdef MSG_LAF_VERBOSE fprintf(stderr,"file=%s",hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].filename); #endif hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].filename=filename; hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].file=fopen(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].filename,"w+"); hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].hasCacheFile=1; curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, NULL); curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].file); hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].nDataLen=0; break; } #ifdef ULINET_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"URL (%s)\nBODY (%s)\n",lpszUrl,lpszHeaders); #endif if(lpszHeaders!=NULL && strlen(lpszHeaders)>0){ #ifdef MSG_LAF_VERBOSE fprintf(stderr,"FROM ULINET !!"); fprintf(stderr,"HEADER : [%s] %d\n",lpszHeaders,dwHeadersLength); #endif curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle,CURLOPT_POST,1); #ifdef ULINET_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"** (%s) %d **\n",lpszHeaders,dwHeadersLength); curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle,CURLOPT_VERBOSE,1); #endif hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].post=strdup(lpszHeaders); curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].post); curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE,(long)dwHeadersLength); } if(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].header!=NULL) curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].header); curl_easy_setopt(hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle,CURLOPT_URL,lpszUrl); hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].url = zStrdup(lpszUrl); curl_multi_add_handle(hInternet->handle,hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].handle); hInternet->ihandle[hInternet->nb].header=NULL; ++hInternet->nb; #ifdef ULINET_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG MIMETYPE: %s\n",hInternet.mimeType); fflush(stderr); #endif return *hInternet; }; /** * Download all opened urls in the queue * * @param hInternet the HINTERNET structure containing the queue * @return 0 */ int processDownloads(HINTERNET* hInternet){ int still_running=0; int msgs_left=0; int i=0; do{ curl_multi_perform(hInternet->handle, &still_running); }while(still_running); for(i=0;inb;i++){ char *tmp; curl_easy_getinfo(hInternet->ihandle[i].handle,CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE,&tmp); if(tmp!=NULL) hInternet->ihandle[i].mimeType=strdup(tmp); curl_easy_getinfo(hInternet->ihandle[i].handle,CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE,&hInternet->ihandle[i].code); curl_multi_remove_handle(hInternet->handle, hInternet->ihandle[i].handle); curl_easy_cleanup(hInternet->ihandle[i].handle); //fprintf(stderr,"%s %d %s \n",__FILE__,__LINE__,hInternet->ihandle[i].mimeType); //fprintf(stderr,"%s %d %s \n",__FILE__,__LINE__,hInternet->ihandle[i].pabyData); } return 0; } /** * Initialize the cookie for a specific index (hInternet.nb) * * @param hInternet the HINTERNET structure to know the cookie index to reset * @return 1 * @see HINTERNET */ int freeCookieList(HINTERNET hInternet){ hInternet.ihandle[hInternet.nb].cookie=strdup(""); #ifndef TIGER curl_easy_setopt(hInternet.ihandle[hInternet.nb].handle, CURLOPT_COOKIELIST, "ALL"); #endif return 1; } /** * Copy a downloaded content * * @param hInternet the _HINTERNET structure * @param lpBuffer the memory space to copy the downloaded content * @param dwNumberOfBytesToRead the size of lpBuffer * @param lpdwNumberOfBytesRead number of bytes red * @return 1 on success, 0 if failure */ int InternetReadFile(_HINTERNET hInternet,LPVOID lpBuffer,int dwNumberOfBytesToRead, size_t *lpdwNumberOfBytesRead){ int dwDataSize; if(hInternet.hasCacheFile>0){ fseek (hInternet.file , 0 , SEEK_END); dwDataSize=ftell(hInternet.file); //taille du ficher rewind (hInternet.file); } else{ memset(lpBuffer,0,hInternet.nDataLen+1); memcpy(lpBuffer, hInternet.pabyData, hInternet.nDataLen ); dwDataSize=hInternet.nDataLen; free( hInternet.pabyData ); hInternet.pabyData=NULL; } if( dwNumberOfBytesToRead /* buffer size */ < dwDataSize ) return 0; #ifdef MSG_LAF_VERBOSE printf("\nfile size : %dko\n",dwDataSize/1024); #endif if(hInternet.hasCacheFile>0){ *lpdwNumberOfBytesRead = fread(lpBuffer,1,dwDataSize,hInternet.file); } else{ *lpdwNumberOfBytesRead = hInternet.nDataLen; free( hInternet.pabyData ); hInternet.pabyData = NULL; hInternet.nDataAlloc = hInternet.nDataLen = 0; } if( *lpdwNumberOfBytesRead < dwDataSize ) return 0; else return 1; // TRUE } /** * Use basic authentication for accessing a resource * * @param hInternet the _HINTERNET structure * @param login the login to use to authenticate * @param passwd the password to use to authenticate */ int setBasicAuth(HINTERNET hInternet,char* login,char* passwd){ char *tmp; tmp=(char*)malloc((strlen(login)+strlen(passwd)+2)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(tmp,"%s:%s",login,passwd); if(curl_easy_setopt(hInternet.ihandle[hInternet.nb].handle,CURLOPT_USERPWD,tmp)==CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY){ free(tmp); return -1; } curl_easy_setopt(hInternet.ihandle[hInternet.nb].handle, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH,CURLAUTH_ANY); free(tmp); return 0; }