/* * Authors : David Saggiorato * GĂ©rald Fenoy * Copyright 2015 GeoLabs SARL. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "ogr_api.h" #include "ogrsf_frmts.h" #include "ogr_p.h" #include "response_print.h" #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 #include #endif #include "sqlapi.h" #include #include /** * Global GDALDataset pointer */ #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >=2 GDALDataset #else OGRDataSource #endif **zoo_DS = NULL; /** * Global OGRLayer pointer pointing to the lastest result set */ OGRLayer *zoo_ResultSet = NULL; /** * Create a GDAL / OGR string for connecting to a db backend defined in the * key section. * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param key the name of the section containing the connection setting * @return the OGR connection string */ char* _createInitString(maps* conf,const char* key){ char* res=NULL; char keywords[6][14]={ "dbname", "host", "port", "user", "password", "active_schema" }; int i=0; maps* cconf=getMaps(conf,key); if(cconf==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"%s %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); return "-1"; } int len=0; for(i=0;i<6;i++){ map* tmp=getMap(cconf->content,keywords[i]); if(tmp!=NULL){ if(res==NULL){ res=(char*)malloc((strlen(keywords[i])+strlen(tmp->value)+4)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(res,"%s='%s'",keywords[i],tmp->value); len+=strlen(res); }else{ char* res1=(char*)malloc((strlen(keywords[i])+strlen(tmp->value)+5)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(res1," %s='%s'",keywords[i],tmp->value); res=(char*)realloc(res,(len+strlen(keywords[i])+strlen(tmp->value)+5)*sizeof(char)); memcpy(res+len,res1,(strlen(keywords[i])+strlen(tmp->value)+5)*sizeof(char)); len+=strlen(res1); res[len]=0; free(res1); } } } map* tmp=getMap(cconf->content,"type"); if(tmp!=NULL){ char* fres=(char*)malloc((strlen(res)+strlen(tmp->value)+2)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(fres,"%s:%s",tmp->value,res); free(res); return fres; } return res; } /** * Create a GDAL / OGR string for connecting to the db backend * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @return the OGR connection string */ char* createInitString(maps* conf){ return _createInitString(conf,"database"); } /** * Connect to a db backend. * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @see createInitString */ int _init_sql(maps* conf,const char* key){ char* sqlInitString=_createInitString(conf,key); #ifdef SQL_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"Try to connect to: %s %s !\n",key,sqlInitString); fflush(stderr); #endif if(strncmp(sqlInitString,"-1",2)==0) return -1; OGRSFDriver *poDriver = NULL; OGRRegisterAll(); int zoo_ds_nb=0; map* dsNb=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","ds_nb"); if(dsNb==NULL){ setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","ds_nb","1"); }else{ zoo_ds_nb=atoi(dsNb->value); char* tmp=(char*)malloc(11*sizeof(char)); sprintf(tmp,"%d",zoo_ds_nb+1); setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","ds_nb",(const char*)tmp); free(tmp); } if(zoo_DS==NULL) zoo_DS= #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 (GDALDataset**) malloc(sizeof(GDALDataset*)) #else (OGRDataSource**) malloc(sizeof(OGRDataSource*)) #endif ; else zoo_DS= #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 (GDALDataset**)realloc(zoo_DS,(zoo_ds_nb+1)*sizeof(GDALDataset*)) #else (OGRDataSource**)realloc(zoo_DS,(zoo_ds_nb+1)*sizeof(OGRDataSource*)) #endif ; #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 zoo_DS[zoo_ds_nb] = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpenEx( sqlInitString, GDAL_OF_UPDATE | GDAL_OF_VECTOR, NULL, NULL, NULL ); #else zoo_DS[zoo_ds_nb] = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open(sqlInitString,false,&poDriver); #endif if( zoo_DS[zoo_ds_nb] == NULL ){ #ifdef SQL_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"sqlInitString: %s FAILED !\n",sqlInitString); fflush(stderr); #endif free(sqlInitString); setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","dbIssue","1"); setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","message",_("Failed to connect to the database backend")); return -2; } #ifdef SQL_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"sqlInitString: %s SUCEED !\n",sqlInitString); fflush(stderr); #endif free(sqlInitString); zoo_ds_nb++; return zoo_ds_nb; } /** * Connect to the db backend. * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @see createInitString */ int init_sql(maps* conf){ return _init_sql(conf,"database"); } /** * Close any connection to the db backend. * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file */ void close_sql(maps* conf,int cid){ if( zoo_ResultSet != NULL ){ zoo_DS[cid]->ReleaseResultSet( zoo_ResultSet ); zoo_ResultSet=NULL; } if(zoo_DS!=NULL && zoo_DS[cid]!=NULL){ #if GDAL_VERSION_MAJOR >= 2 GDALClose(zoo_DS[cid]); #else OGRDataSource::DestroyDataSource( zoo_DS[cid] ); #endif zoo_DS[cid]=NULL; } } /** * Call OGRCleanupAll. * */ void end_sql(){ OGRCleanupAll(); } /** * Fetch a tuple set by executing a SQL query to the Database Backend. * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param sqlQuery the SQL query to run * @return NULL in case of failure or an OGRLayer pointer if the query succeed. */ OGRLayer *fetchSql(maps* conf,int cid,const char* sqlQuery){ if(zoo_DS==NULL || zoo_DS[cid]==NULL) return NULL; OGRLayer *res=NULL; #ifdef SQL_DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"************************* %s %s %d\n\n",sqlQuery,__FILE__,__LINE__); fflush(stderr); #endif res = zoo_DS[cid]->ExecuteSQL( sqlQuery, NULL, NULL); return res; } void cleanFetchSql(maps* conf,int cid,OGRLayer *objects){ if( objects != NULL ){ zoo_DS[cid]->ReleaseResultSet( objects ); objects=NULL; } } /** * Execute a SQL query to the SQL Database Backend. * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param sqlQuery the SQL query to run * @return -1 in case of failure and 1 if the query succeed. */ int execSql(maps* conf,int cid,const char* sqlQuery){ int res=-1; if(zoo_DS == NULL || zoo_DS[cid]==NULL) return -1; zoo_ResultSet = zoo_DS[cid]->ExecuteSQL( sqlQuery, NULL, NULL); if( zoo_ResultSet != NULL ){ res=1; } return res; } /** * Clean any memory allocated by executing a request * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param sqlQuery the SQL query to run * @return -1 in case of failure and 1 if the query succeed. */ void cleanUpResultSet(const maps* conf,int cid){ if( zoo_ResultSet != NULL ){ zoo_DS[cid]->ReleaseResultSet( zoo_ResultSet ); zoo_ResultSet=NULL; } } #ifdef RELY_ON_DB int getCurrentId(maps* conf){ int res=0; map* dsNb=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","ds_nb"); if(dsNb!=NULL) res=atoi(dsNb->value); return res; } /** * Record a file stored during ZOO-Kernel execution * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param filename the file's name * @param type the type (Intput,Output,Response) * @param name the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file */ void recordStoredFile(maps* conf,const char* filename,const char* type,const char* name){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); map *uusid=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","usid"); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(schema->value)+strlen(uusid->value)+strlen(filename)+strlen(type)+(name!=NULL?strlen(name):2)+68+1)*sizeof(char)); if(name!=NULL) sprintf(sqlQuery,"INSERT INTO %s.files (uuid,filename,nature,name) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s');",schema->value,uusid->value,filename,type,name); else sprintf(sqlQuery,"INSERT INTO %s.files (uuid,filename,nature,name) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s',NULL);",schema->value,uusid->value,filename,type); execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); free(sqlQuery); cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); } /** * Insert the reference tuple corresponding to the running service * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file */ void recordServiceStatus(maps* conf){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); map *sid=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","sid"); map *osid=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","osid"); map *uusid=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","usid"); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(schema->value)+ strlen(uusid->value)+ strlen(osid->value)+ strlen(sid->value)+ strlen(wpsStatus[2])+66+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(sqlQuery, "INSERT INTO %s.services (uuid,sid,osid,fstate)" "VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s');", schema->value, uusid->value, sid->value, osid->value, wpsStatus[2]); execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); free(sqlQuery); cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); } /** * Store the content of the result file * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param filename the file's name */ void recordResponse(maps* conf,char* filename){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); FILE *file = fopen (filename, "rb"); fseek (file, 0, SEEK_END); long flen = ftell (file); fseek (file, 0, SEEK_SET); char *tmps = (char *) malloc ((flen + 1) * sizeof (char)); fread (tmps, flen, 1, file); tmps[flen]=0; fclose(file); map *sid=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","usid"); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(schema->value)+flen+strlen(sid->value)+57+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(sqlQuery,"INSERT INTO %s.responses (content,uuid) VALUES ($$%s$$,$$%s$$);",schema->value,tmps,sid->value); execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); free(sqlQuery); free(tmps); cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); } /** * Update the current status of the running service. * * @param conf the map containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @return 0 on success, -2 if shmget failed, -1 if shmat failed */ int _updateStatus(maps* conf){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); map *sid=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","usid"); map *p=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","status"); map *msg=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","message"); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(schema->value)+strlen(msg->value)+strlen(p->value)+strlen(sid->value)+64+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(sqlQuery,"UPDATE %s.services set status=$$%s$$,message=$$%s$$ where uuid=$$%s$$;",schema->value,p->value,msg->value,sid->value); if( zoo_DS == NULL || zoo_DS[zoo_ds_nb-1]==NULL ){ init_sql(conf); zoo_ds_nb++; } execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); free(sqlQuery); return 0; } /** * Get the ongoing status of a running service * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param pid the service identifier (usid key from the [lenv] section) * @return the reported status char* (MESSAGE|POURCENTAGE) */ char* _getStatus(maps* conf,char* pid){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); int created=-1; map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(schema->value)+strlen(pid)+58+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(sqlQuery,"select status||'|'||message from %s.services where uuid=$$%s$$;",schema->value,pid); if( zoo_ds_nb== #ifdef META_DB 1 #else 0 #endif ){ init_sql(conf); zoo_ds_nb++; created=1; } execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); OGRFeature *poFeature = NULL; const char *tmp1; while( (poFeature = zoo_ResultSet->GetNextFeature()) != NULL ){ for( int iField = 0; iField < poFeature->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ){ if( poFeature->IsFieldSet( iField ) ){ tmp1=strdup(poFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField )); } else tmp1=NULL; } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); } cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); free(sqlQuery); return (char*)tmp1; } /** * Read the cache file of a running service * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param pid the service identifier (usid key from the [lenv] section) * @return the reported status char* (temporary/final result) */ char* _getStatusFile(maps* conf,char* pid){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); OGRFeature *poFeature = NULL; const char *tmp1=NULL; int hasRes=-1; char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(schema->value)+strlen(pid)+82+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(sqlQuery, "select content from %s.responses where uuid=$$%s$$" " order by creation_time desc limit 1",schema->value,pid); if( zoo_ds_nb== #ifdef META_DB 1 #else 0 #endif ){ init_sql(conf); zoo_ds_nb++; } execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); if(zoo_ResultSet!=NULL){ while( (poFeature = zoo_ResultSet->GetNextFeature()) != NULL ){ for( int iField = 0; iField < poFeature->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ){ if( poFeature->IsFieldSet( iField ) ){ tmp1=strdup(poFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField )); hasRes=1; } else tmp1=NULL; } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); } } if(hasRes<0) tmp1=NULL; cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); free(sqlQuery); return (char*)tmp1; } /** * Delete a service reference from the database. * * @param conf the map containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param pid the service identifier (usid key from the [lenv] section) */ void removeService(maps* conf,char* pid){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); char *sqlQuery=(char*) malloc((strlen(pid)+strlen(schema->value)+38+1) *sizeof(char)); if( zoo_ds_nb== #ifdef META_DB 1 #else 0 #endif ){ init_sql(conf); zoo_ds_nb++; } sprintf(sqlQuery, "DELETE FROM %s.services where uuid=$$%s$$;", schema->value,pid); execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); close_sql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); free(sqlQuery); end_sql(); } /** * Stop handling status repport. * * @param conf the map containing the setting of the main.cfg file */ void unhandleStatus(maps* conf){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); map *sid=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","usid"); map *fstate=getMapFromMaps(conf,"lenv","fstate"); char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(sid->value)+ strlen(schema->value)+ (fstate!=NULL? strlen(fstate->value): 6) +66+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(sqlQuery, "UPDATE %s.services set end_time=now(), fstate=$$%s$$" " where uuid=$$%s$$;", schema->value,(fstate!=NULL?fstate->value:"Failed"),sid->value); execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); //close_sql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); free(sqlQuery); //end_sql(); } /** * Read the sid identifier attached of a service if any * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param pid the service identifier (usid key from the [lenv] section) * @return the sid value */ char* getStatusId(maps* conf,char* pid){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(schema->value)+strlen(pid)+58+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(sqlQuery, "select osid from %s.services where uuid=$$%s$$", schema->value,pid); if( zoo_ds_nb==0 ){ init_sql(conf); zoo_ds_nb++; } if(execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery)<0) return NULL; OGRFeature *poFeature = NULL; const char *tmp1; int hasRes=-1; while( (poFeature = zoo_ResultSet->GetNextFeature()) != NULL ){ for( int iField = 0; iField < poFeature->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ){ if( poFeature->IsFieldSet( iField ) ){ tmp1=zStrdup(poFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField )); hasRes=1; break; } } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); } if(hasRes<0) tmp1=NULL; free(sqlQuery); cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); return (char*)tmp1; } /** * Read the Result file (.res). * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param pid the service identifier (usid key from the [lenv] section) */ void readFinalRes(maps* conf,char* pid,map* statusInfo){ int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(schema->value)+strlen(pid)+58+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(sqlQuery, "select fstate from %s.services where uuid=$$%s$$", schema->value,pid); if( zoo_DS == NULL ) init_sql(conf); execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); OGRFeature *poFeature = NULL; int hasRes=-1; while( (poFeature = zoo_ResultSet->GetNextFeature()) != NULL ){ for( int iField = 0; iField < poFeature->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ){ if( poFeature->IsFieldSet( iField ) ){ addToMap(statusInfo,"Status",poFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField )); hasRes=1; break; } } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); } cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); if(hasRes<0) addToMap(statusInfo,"Status","Failed"); free(sqlQuery); return; } /** * Check if a service is running. * * @param conf the maps containing the setting of the main.cfg file * @param pid the unique service identifier (usid from the lenv section) * @return 1 in case the service is still running, 0 otherwise */ int isRunning(maps* conf,char* pid){ int res=0; int zoo_ds_nb=getCurrentId(conf); map *schema=getMapFromMaps(conf,"database","schema"); char *sqlQuery=(char*)malloc((strlen(schema->value)+strlen(pid)+73+1)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(sqlQuery,"select count(*) as t from %s.services where uuid=$$%s$$ and end_time is null;",schema->value,pid); if( zoo_ds_nb == 0 ){ init_sql(conf); zoo_ds_nb++; } execSql(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1,sqlQuery); OGRFeature *poFeature = NULL; const char *tmp1; while( (poFeature = zoo_ResultSet->GetNextFeature()) != NULL ){ for( int iField = 0; iField < poFeature->GetFieldCount(); iField++ ){ if( poFeature->IsFieldSet( iField ) && atoi(poFeature->GetFieldAsString( iField ))>0 ){ res=1; break; } } OGRFeature::DestroyFeature( poFeature ); } cleanUpResultSet(conf,zoo_ds_nb-1); free(sqlQuery); return res; } #endif